P. W. Litchfield Heritage Center

Donate Today! Make it a Reality

The success of our Capital Campaign is totally dependent on the generosity and support of our donors. Please help us create a legacy for our children and for all generations to come.

Currently funded at 78% of our goal!

  • 0
  • $500K
  • $1M
  • $1.5M
  • $2M
  • $2.5M
  • $3M
  • $3.5M

Gift Opportunuties

Call LPHS – 623.535.4414, ask for Capital Campaign Chair, Judy Cook

Contact Judy at office@lphsMuseum.org

Commemorative Gift Opportunities

Galleries, program areas, and other P.W. Litchfield Heritage Center sites have been designated for memorial/commemorative purposes. This opportunity offers a way to memorialize yourself, your family, a loved one, or business by permanently naming an area in the new P.W. Litchfield Heritage Center. A plaque or signage inscribed according to the wishes of the donor(s) will mark each named area. Please note that the amounts indicated do not necessarily reflect the actual construction costs. They are an indication of the memorial or tribute value.

Gift Opportunities

Donors giving amounts of $500 or more to the P.W. Litchfield Heritage Center Project will be recognized for their gift. A Founders’ Wall will be located prominently as a permanent reminder, for generations to come, of those whose interest and generosity have made this Heritage Center a reality.

623.535.4414 - office@lphsMuseum.org

Capital Campaign Chair - Judy Cook

Project Building Chair - Nancy Schafer

Donation Levels

Cotton$500 - $999
Citrus$1000 - $4999
Copper$5000 - $9999
Silver$10,000 - $14,999
Gold$15,000 - $19,999
Platinum$20,000 and above